Javier Calleja "No Art Here"
Javier Calleja (Born 1971) is an artist from Malaga, Spain. In his paintings, drawings and sculptures he deploys the aesthetic conventions of cartoons and the illustrations of children’s books, in his search for...
Javier Calleja (Born 1971) is an artist from Malaga, Spain. In his paintings, drawings and sculptures he deploys the aesthetic conventions of cartoons and the illustrations of children’s books, in his search for simplicity and immediacy.
"NO ART HERE" sculpture first appeared in Nanzuka's 2G Gallery at Tokyo, in December 2020. The sculpture, which is in fact a site-specific intervention, features a red beanie-clad character puncturing a wall with one of its arms which appears to come out of the opposite wall with the hand brandishing sign bearing the show’s title “NO ART HERE” — a playful illusion created by the artist who was inspired by the surrealist works of René Magritte.
It has been been recreated as a minature version, limiting to an edition of 1,000.
Manufacturer: Nanzuka
Height (approx.): 30 x 27 x 14.9 cm
Material: PVC, glass