Voltes V 400% Bearbrick
Voltes V (pronounced as "Voltes Five") is a Japanese mecha anime series that gained popularity in the 1970s. The series was created by Saburo Yatsude, who is a collective pseudonym for...
Voltes V (pronounced as "Voltes Five") is a Japanese mecha anime series that gained popularity in the 1970s. The series was created by Saburo Yatsude, who is a collective pseudonym for the staff at Toei Company. "Voltes V" first aired in Japan from June 4, 1977, to March 25, 1978. The show consists of 40 episodes.
The 100% version of the bearbrick was launched in Series 37, while it took quite some years for the 400% version to be released.
Manufacturer: Medicom Toy
Height (approx.): 400% - 28cm | 11"
Material: ABS
Size |
400% |